
Senate Should Not Meddle With CBN Independence, Chika Mbonu

Senate Should Not Meddle With CBN Independence - Chika Mbonu

In a recent interview on Arise TV, business analyst Chika Mbonu emphasized the importance of keeping the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) independent. He voiced his concerns about a new Senate bill that limits the CBN’s powers, including setting interest rates and managing the Ways and Means facility.

The Importance of Central Bank Independence

Chika Mbonu began by explaining the fundamental roles of fiscal and monetary policies in any economy. Fiscal policies, managed by politicians, deal with government revenue and expenditure. In contrast, economic policies, handled by an independent central bank, control the money supply, inflation, and interest rates. He stressed that these two policies should complement each other rather than compete.

Mbonu highlighted historical examples to support his argument. He pointed out that the independence of Germany’s Bundesbank after World War II helped manage inflation effectively. This success story led many countries to adopt the model of an independent central bank.

Political Interference and Its Risks

Mbonu warned against political interference in the central bank’s operations. Politicians often focus on short-term goals, such as winning the next election, which can conflict with the long-term stability provided by an independent central bank. He cited the example of former U.S. President Donald Trump, who clashed with the Federal Reserve over interest rates. The Fed prioritized controlling inflation, while Trump wanted lower interest rates to boost economic growth.

Mbonu noted that Nigeria faces similar challenges. The Senate’s proposed bill could undermine the CBN’s ability to effectively manage inflation and other economic variables. He argued that the central bank needs proper operational, instrument, and goal independence.

International Perspectives

Mbonu also mentioned the views of international financial institutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. These organizations support the independence of central banks as a means to achieve economic stability. They argue that an independent central bank can implement policies without political pressure, crucial for attracting foreign investment and maintaining investor confidence.

The Role of Competent Leadership

The quality of leadership at the CBN is crucial. Mbonu emphasized that appointing competent and independent-minded individuals to lead the central bank is essential. He argued that past issues at the CBN resulted from weak leadership rather than structural problems. For Nigeria to thrive, the government must prioritize the appointment of qualified professionals to the CBN.


In conclusion, Chika Mbonu strongly advocated for the independence of the Central Bank of Nigeria. He urged the Senate to reconsider the proposed bill and focus on other pressing issues. According to Mbonu, maintaining the CBN’s independence is vital for Nigeria’s economic stability and growth. This stance aligns with international best practices and the experiences of successful economies worldwide.

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Additional Thoughts

Mbonu’s perspective is common. Many economists and financial experts agree that central bank independence is crucial for economic health. By allowing the CBN to operate without political interference, Nigeria can better manage inflation, stabilize its currency, and attract foreign investment.

In the interview, Mbonu’s respect for the legislature was evident, but he clarified that this issue requires a delicate balance between political oversight and economic expertise. He believes that Nigeria can achieve this balance by preserving the independence of its central bank.

Numerous resources are available for those interested in learning more about the importance of central bank independence. Reports from the IMF and World Bank provide in-depth analyses and case studies. Additionally, historical examples from countries like Germany and the United States offer valuable insights into the benefits of an independent central bank.

Recommended Reading

By exploring these resources, readers can understand why central bank independence is essential and how it contributes to economic stability and growth.

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